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Homelessness on the Cape and Islands

Last January the total number of unsheltered people on the Cape and Islands, both adults and children, was 427. Not only was this an increase from the previous year, it was the highest number of unsheltered people counted in the past 10 years. On The point, we discuss immediate and long term supports for homeless people, and programs to keep people in their current housing.

With us:
Gina Torielli- from Belonging to Each Other in Falmouth
Hadley Luddy- CEO of the Homeless Prevention Council
Heidi Nelson- CEO of Duffy Health Center
Zahra Kasza – The Warming Place on Nantucket
Anyone looking to volunteer can sign up for a shift at this link or email ackhomelessnessteam@gmail.com or text 484-467-6871.
Homeless Persons Memorial Services: December 21, 2023 5pm - First Congregational Church in Falmouth and 5 pm at the First Baptist Church on Main Street Hyannis.

Note: we are unable to provide the audio for this interview due to technical issues. Apologies.

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Mindy Todd is the host and producer of <i>The Point</i> on WCAI which examines critical issues for Cape Cod and the Islands. She brings more than 40 years of experience in radio and television to WCAI.