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The Aquinnah Wampanoag Cultural Center

On a tour of the museum housed at the Cultural Center with Aquinnah Educator Brad Lopes

The Aquinnah Cultural Center is housed in the historic Vanderhoop home atop the headlands of Aquinnah with views of Moshup Beach and Noman’s Land in the distance. The Center aims to preserve, educate, and document the Aquinnah Wampanoag self-defined history, culture and contributions past, present and future. We take a tour of the museum housed at the Cultural Center with Aquinnah Educator Brad Lopes. And we talk about upcoming workshops to build meaningful relationship and best practices for working with Indigenous Content, Citizens, and Communities. The workshops are open to all, and include a virtual option.
Link to Workshop information and registration

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Mindy Todd is the host and producer of <i>The Point</i> on WCAI which examines critical issues for Cape Cod and the Islands. She brings more than 40 years of experience in radio and television to WCAI.