Centerville residents named town, new and old bog owners defendants in the case
Developer Lennar Multifamily Communities, or LMC, made the change in response to the concerns of a Cape Cod Commission subcommittee, according to Brian Dugdale, an attorney speaking on behalf of the company.
The owner of the Twin Brooks golf course in Hyannis says financial realities make it difficult to change plans for more than 300 apartments that have drawn opposition in the community, including from the Barnstable Land Trust.
The options put forth by the Barnstable Land Trust would still build housing, which the group agrees is needed. But the new alternatives would save more open space by concentrating the housing where the adjacent hotel and conference center are now.
An apartment complex proposed for the Twin Brooks golf course in Hyannis has received an environmental certificate from the state that could ease the way for the project, over the objections of opponents, who say the land should be preserved for conservation and recreation.