Local NPR for the Cape, Coast & Islands 90.1 91.1 94.3
Creative Life
00000177-ba84-d5f4-a5ff-bbfc9ab20000Our series Creative Life discontinued on October 30th, 2017. It has been replaced by Ways of Life. The Creative Life archive lives on this page. Creative Life offered an audio tour of arts, culture, and inspiration on the Cape and Islands. Our region is rich with creative diversity, and so are the stories we tell.Creative Life is edited by Jay Allison.Creative Life is made possible by The Circle of Ten, ten local businesses and organizations committed to local programming on WCAI.

When Extreme Gets The Point Across: Impressions of a Teenager Writing to Make Sense of Her World

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Photo by Jacqui Helbert



Teenagers are often overlooked by the artistic community because it is assumed that they do not have enough life experience to have an original voice. Fifteen year old poet Sierra Abbott proves that it would be a mistake to discount her unique form of expression.

  She recorded diary tape of her writing process late one evening. Which provides the listener with an impressionistic behind the scenes gateway into her inner thoughts, while she ponders life and composes poetry. She pours her heart out about topics ranging from peer pressure to the meaning of life. 


This piece came to us from our production partners at Atlantic Public Media through their media training program, The Transom Story Workshop in Woods Hole. Jacqui Helbert was in last Fall's class. A new class is start in April -  You can find out more about that program at Transom.org


Our series Creative Life is edited by Jay Allison and made possible by The Circle of Ten, ten local businesses and organizations committed to local programming on WCAI



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