It would be a bittersweet moment, if it weren't just so much fun to be out fishing.
Helen loved kvass. The flavor, the fizz, everything about this drink made from fermenting stale bread with water and sugar. But when she got home, she forgot about it for almost forty years.
Originally, David Light thought he’d sell his onions by this name too. But then he did some research, and found out that there’s a long story behind the name.
More than 300 species of birds have been recorded from Race Point, the second-highest list of anywhere on the Cape and Islands.
The hound has gifted me a new image of hope. And it looks like an otter.
A citizens science project is finding new information about the survival of striped bass after they’re caught and released. The data could change the way we fish.
I have a friend in Barnstable who’s always telling me about unusual edible plants, particularly perennials. Recently, he told me he’s planting something new called a Cornelian Cherry.
It’s not just back to school time for kids, all those billions of young birds that hatched over the spring and summer need to learn how to be birds, and it’s a real school of hard knocks.
Where do you seek the soul of Cape Cod? The pounding surf on the Outer Cape? The stalwart beacon of Coast Guard Light? The broad stretch of the Great Marsh?
CAI Morning Edition host Patrick Flanary is leaving CAI. He shares this message with our listeners.
Fishing from a kayak has become increasingly popular around the Cape and islands, and this time of year it can give an angler an edge when going after false albacore.
To plant a fig tree in our climate is an act of faith. Most figs are native to the tropics—and in the heat and sweat of this world they do amazing things. They’ve co-evolved with a wasp that crawls into the fruit and pollinates it from the inside out.