According the FBI, a home break-in occurs around once every fifteen seconds. Yesterday, Falmouth residents got to hear directly from the people who have been breaking into their homes. It was part of a presentation by the Falmouth Police, the Barnstable County Sherriff’s Office, and the Falmouth Council on Aging.
“I’m 25, my name is Tom, I got my GED, I’m from Cape Cod, born and raised.”
That’s the voice of a man identified as Inmate B in a video produced by the Barnstable County Sheriff’s Department. His back is turned to the camera, and it looks like he might be in the prison’s library. He said that he’s probably broken into around one hundred homes. Another, identified as inmate E, shared why he started breaking and entering into houses and businesses.
“I would break into homes to support my drug addiction. It was the cocaine that lead me to doing breaking and entering. When I get addicted to drugs and I get desperate enough, I’ll basically go to any lengths to get the drugs.”
This video was part of a presentation by John Szucs, who works with the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for Barnstable County. He presented about the Bureau’s work, which consists of connecting crime scenes to their perpetrators, as well as advising people on how to keep their homes and communities safe. Among the tips he suggested are installing a security system, hanging motion-sensing lights, and even creating irregularities in one’s daily routine. One surprising tip he mentioned is making sure that mail and paper delivery stops while away on vacation. Papers piled up on a front porch are a positive indicator for someone looking to rob your home. Around forty people attended, curious for more information from perpetrators, and from those who are committed to keeping Cape communities safe.