This week: Want to take a tour of where the Army National Guard plans to build a machine gun range? We’ll tell you how. And a new weapon may be on the way to fight Lyme disease. Also, researchers are looking for 150 private wells on the Cape to study for PFAS.
We have those stories and more, as CAI News Director Steve Junker speaks with some of the region’s leading journalists.
This week's guests include CAI's Eve Zuckoff, Jennette Barnes, and Sam Houghton; Louisa Hufstader of the Vineyard Gazette; Tim Wood of the Cape Cod Chronicle; K.C. Myers of the Provincetown Independent; Josh Balling of the Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror; Cindy McCormick of the Cape Cod Times; CAI's Patrick Flanary and Mike Deehan with news from the Statehouse, and Brian Tarcy of Cape Cod Wave magazine.