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County government on the Cape and Islands

Selectboards, town managers, town meetings: we have a robust system of town government in our region. What then is the role of county government? On The Point, we talk with members of the Duke’s and Barnstable County Commission as well as the executive director of the Cape Cod Commission about how these bodies work with individual towns, and what role they have in addressing the issues that transcend town boundaries.
Joining us: Duke’s County Commissioners Christine Todd and Doug Raskin, Barnstable County Commissioner Mark Forest, and Kristy Senatori, Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission. Mindy Todd hosts.

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Mindy Todd is the host and producer of <i>The Point</i> on WCAI which examines critical issues for Cape Cod and the Islands. She brings more than 40 years of experience in radio and television to WCAI.