A late-summer uptick in COVID-19 cases on Martha’s Vineyard has subsided, according to staff at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. But with colder weather upon us, and the start of the holiday season just weeks away, they recommend getting vaccinated for influenza and other viruses soon.
"We're eager to protect ourselves," says Sen. Julian Cyr. "If you are a man who has sex with men, we encourage you to make an appointment."
Public schools on Cape Cod are beginning to schedule COVID-19 vaccination clinics for ages 5 to 11.
Users can search by zip code or town and see locations that plan to offer the vaccine, including pharmacies, hospitals, and public clinics.
Local pediatricians have pre-ordered the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and plan to offer it soon after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues a recommendation — possibly late next week.
Don’t be alarmed if you see objects the size of ketchup packets tossed from a helicopter on Cape Cod next week. They're baits filled with oral rabies vaccine, intended for raccoons.
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has been able to offer the vaccine to all of its adult citizens and members of their households.
Barnstable County is opening 1,200 appointments Friday for clinics next week for the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Teachers are asking to receive the COVID-19 vaccine quickly, in their own communities, before a full return to school.
Harbor Health, a community health center in Hyannis, is planning to open a COVID-19 vaccination clinic next week at Zion Union Church.