Spring is always a welcome time of year, but it also means we must be more vigilant about ticks and tick bites. We’ve long been aware of the risks of Lyme disease, but ticks in our region also host other pathogens including anaplasmosis and babesiois.
Epidemiologists and biologists are also raising a red flag about the Lone Star tick that has migrated into our region. This tick also carries pathogens that can infect humans, and because they primarily feed on deer, the lone star tick could proliferate in regions with high concentrations of deer like Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.
Joining us to discuss ticks, the diseases associated with them, and ways we can prevent the transmission and spread of disease are these guests:
Larry Dapsis, Entomologist and Tick Project Coordinator at Cape Cod Cooperative Extension
Dick Johnson, biologist at Dukes County Tick Program
To get a tick tested for pathogens got to tickreport
More information about diseases associated with ticks