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The Importance of Diversity in Teaching Staff

As part of our ongoing conversation about racial injustice and white privilege, we discuss the importance of recruiting and retaining teachers of color. In Massachusetts forty percent of students identify as people of color; this is true of only eight percent of teaching staff. On The Point, Host Kathryn Eident talks with our guests about the growing body of evidence showing the positive impacts of teachers of color on all students, and reasons why we have so few. We also discuss concrete steps to take in recruiting, training and retaining people of color as educators.  

Guests are: Takeru Nagayoshi, English Teacher in New Bedford and Massachusetts Teacher of the year for  2019-2020; and Ventura Rodriguez, Senior Associate Commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Report on Diversifying Teacher Workforce- Research and Recommendations


Here's a link to the GBH Peer Exchange series https://youtu.be/NLl7CJ6EJUM?list=PLeVrZMZ1h-Us2yTelS7_eqbLUZCtoHydH&t=264" style="-webkit-text-stroke-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">"Navigating White Privilege & Building an Anti-Racist Classroom"


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Kathryn Eident was the Morning Edition Host and Senior Producer of News until November 2022.