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SepticSmart Week

This week is national SepticSmart Week! If you live on Cape Cod and own a septic system, you have an important role to play in protecting our precious water resources.

For more information about Septic Smart Week, go here. >

The Barnstable Test Center has additional local information. >

This week's tips:

Let’s talk about grease. What goes down your drain can have big impact on your septic system. Leftover cooking grease should always be disposed of in the trash. Scrape hot grease into a cup to cool before putting it in the trash can. Grease in your septic system can clog your leach field, leading to costly repairs.

Let’s talk about getting rid of medications. Old or leftover medications should never be flushed – it’s best to bring them to your local police or fire department for proper disposal. Remember: Always think about what you’re putting down the drain.

Pump it out
Your septic system needs a little looking after. Protect your system by having your septic tank pumped out every 3-5 years – hundreds spent today can save you thousands in replacing a failed system tomorrow.

Every septic system needs looking after. If you have an advanced septic system, also called Innovative/Alternative or “I/A”, make sure to have it maintained to keep it in top working order.