On a split vote, the Barnstable Town Council has agreed to ask Mass Development to examine the possibility of creating a combined commercial and military airport at Joint Base Cape Cod on the Upper Cape. Some worry that it could be the first move toward closure of the town-owned Cape Cod Gateway Airport in Hyannis.
The quasi-public state agency MassDevelopment is commissioning the plan for the southern part of the base, an area of about 7,000 acres. In addition to housing, Cape Cod officials are interested in other uses of the land, such as to expand the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center and develop new environmental technologies.
For more than a dozen years, the Massachusetts Army National Guard has been fighting to build a machine gun range on Joint Base Cape Cod. But in the past month, the project seems to have collapsed. So how did that happen, is it really over — and what happens next?
“The firefighting foam … was mostly used in the 70s and 80s, and one additional application in 1997 at the base,” said Heidi Pickard. “This is decades later that you're still seeing high levels in the fish.”
The 100% battery-powered Alia and its crew landed at the base’s 102nd Intelligence Wing for a demonstration on March 8.
Attorneys estimate that more than 100 who’ve already joined the case were exposed to the so-called “forever chemicals” linked to cancer, thyroid diseases, fertility issues and more while working with firefighting foam on or around Joint Base Cape Cod.
Results are back for drinking water in the Barnstable County Correctional Facility, a jail located within the bounds of Joint Base Cape Cod. CAI’s environment team tested to see if PFAS – or “forever chemicals” – are coming through the pipes to incarcerated people.
A Healey administration official tells CAI the state moved all 57 families from the base to off-Cape locations in December.
Next steps are starting to take shape for cleaning up a 6,200-acre plume of ‘forever chemicals’ stemming from Joint Base Cape Cod.
The 6th Space Warning Squadron's main mission is its early warning missile detection, but it also tracks what's happening in space.