This month, a U.S. State Department delegation visited Cabo Verde. Joining the group was Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution senior scientist and director of WHOI SeaGrant Matt Charette.
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has teamed up with the Maryland-based nonprofit Black Girls Dive Foundation to create a new internship program in Woods Hole.
New research from WHOI suggests coral larvae respond to sound when deciding where they’ll make their home.
A team from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution plans to embark on a scientific drilling expedition early next summer to better understand so-called offshore freshened groundwater deposits.
A U.N. special report on the impacts of climate change on the ocean sparked dire headlines such as UN report on world’ oceans is damning: We’re all in big…
Say the word “shark” to a New Englander these days and the mind jumps straight to great white sharks, which have seen a remarkable increase here in recent…
Coral reefs around the world face a host of threats from human activities – from destructive fishing practices, to pollution, and of course, climate…
On Living Lab Radio this week:Scientists are working on a new definition of the second.A study started as the MeToo movement ramped up, suggests that…
We’ve got 10-day weather forecasts. We’ve got NOAA seasonal outlook forecasts. But there’s a no man’s land in between, and that’s where predictions get…
People who love the ocean know it can be blue, or green, or gray, depending on the weather. It’s a different color in the tropics than here in New England…