A Cape Cod eighth grader invited the president to visit her school. Instead, they had a chat on live radio.
1st Barnstable District State Representative Christopher Flanagan, D-Dennis, says a violation of campaign finance law was his responsibility and he has apologized to the people he represents at the Statehouse.
Longtime Outer Cape state representative Sarah Peake says nine terms in the Massachusetts House will be enough.
With the announcement, Moran told CAI she plans to run for clerk of courts for Barnstable County Superior Court, a position held since 2000 by Republican Scott Nickerson. And fast in the wake of the news, State Representative Dylan Fernandes told CAI that he is running for the state senate seat for the Plymouth and Barnstable District.
For many people, the world feels more polarized than ever. Two friends from Sandwich say it doesn’t have to be that way.
The Republican will attend a lunch in Cotuit on Saturday to fundraise for his presidential bid. It's believed to be his first trip to the region since claiming responsibility for using migrants as political pawns and luring them onto flights with the false promise of jobs.
In her first interview with CAI, the Democrat says Biden's proposed $600 million to replace the bridges is a start—but isn't enough.
In remarks during back-to-back swearing-in ceremonies at Cape Cod Community College, they touched on themes of compassionate justice.
A vault in Barnstable Town Hall was finally cracked open yesterday evening shortly before 8 p.m., after almost nine hours of trying. A Boston-area specialist locksmith was called in to break open the vault, which contained ballots intended to be used in yesterday’s primary election.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is filing what he's calling the Stop the Surge Act, which would turn 13 communities into ports of entry to process undocumented immigrants.